24 frame hand screen printed animation
Charcoal drawing of pliers and skate tool
Charcoal drawing of vice grips and skate tool
Charcoal drawing of a man
Charcoal drawing of man
Title animation for short film Onlooker
Charcoal self portrait
Charcoal self portrait
Bronze and silver belt buckle
Cast and formed brass and silver belt buckle
Song teaser for Spin by Remy Poulin
3D render of a cube with objects reminiscent of Kurt Cobain's death
Kurt Cobain's death represented in a 1x1 cube
Virtual pet prototype made fully in Figma
36 days of type number exploration
Charcoal drawing of man
Charcoal drawing of man
Personal mandala animation
Brass jewelry box
Copper jewelry box
letterpress people police lineup
Letterpress police lineup
Charcoal drawing of Camera and hair dye
Charcoal drawing of film camera and dye
Charcoal drawing of human form
Charcoal drawing of human body